
Is espresso getting worse?

I was recently inspired by a conversation I had with some long-time coffee professionals to do a quick and dirty survey of current and former coffee pros.

This was a very simple survey as it asked two questions only.

First: "How long ago did you drink the best espresso of your life?"
Second: "Share your thoughts on espresso."

The results were rather startling (for me).

The average answer for how long ago the best espresso had been turns out to be a little over 5 years. That's right... I said years.
And while there were answers that were measured in months, there were also ones answered in decades.

Also, there was an interesting correlation in the responses as well.
For respondents who answered less than a year, the vast majority indicated that they either don't drink espresso frequently or don't "like" espresso (most commonly expressed as "I'm just not into espresso anymore").

Obviously I have some conclusions, but as they're speculation based on a highly unscientific collection of data, I'll keep them to myself with one exception.

I believe that the answers to the second question answer the Why presented by the answers to the first.

Oh... and as espresso represents a majority of top line revenues for almost every single coffee business... Y'all need to fix this shit, yeah?

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